Chaconne en fa mineur - Johann Pachelbel
Transcription for accordion
Johann PACHELBEL (1653-1706) - Chaconne in F minor P. 42
A friend of the Bach family, Pachelbel taught Johann Sebastian's older brother, who in turn contributed greatly to young Johann Sebastian's musical education: Pachelbel's influence on the latter is strong. The Chaconne in F minor is probably the most frequently performed of Pachelbel's many works for organ. It consists of an eight-bar presentation of the theme, 21 varied statements of the obstinato bass line and then a return to the initial presentation - in all, 23 short sections, the numbers having a symbolic value. It is assumed that this Chaconne is a late work, but its precise composition date is unknown: it most likely pre-dates Bach's passacaglia in C minor, which is an early work, by just a few years... It is therefore unsurprising to hear the beginnings of this passacaglia in certain passages. As with the first three works on this disc, the chaconne unfolds with gravity from a solemn beginning, before the creative treatment of polyphony and registers and of rhythm and harmonies ensures a constant renewal of the music, never tiring the listener thanks to its kaleidoscope of colours, celebrated by the accordion.
Transcription for accordion : Mélanie Brégant
Duration : 8'