Terra Desolata
The ensemble Zoroastre, led by Savitri de Rochefort and the composer Thierry Escaich, present us here with powerful works which are more than ever topical. We become aware of the role of the divine during the darkest hours of humanity, both in the 18th century and today...
Reviews on... -> Classic agenda - ResMusica - Ariane Charton
RCF : Hervé Hien et Melchior Gormand reçoivent la cheffe d'orchestre Savitri de Rochefort
Thierry Escaich / Terra desolata
Johann Adolf Hasse / Miserere en ré mineur
Georg Friedrich Haendel / Dixit Dominus HWV 232 en sol mineur
Ensemble Zoroastre
Thierry Escaich, organ
Savitri de Rochefort, conductor