Fantaisie sur Lakmé - Léo Delibes
For two flutes and piano
Inspired by the travelogues of Théodore Marie Pavie, Edmond Gondinet and Philippe Gilles suggest to Léo Delibes the subject of the booklet on which they are working: Gérald, a young British officer falls in love with the Brahman’s daughter named Lakmé. This impossible love will cause the loss of the beautiful Hindu who will commit suicide and save her love from the punishment demanded by her father.
Halfway between French refinement and Orient colors, Léo Delibes signs with Lakmé his most famous opera. Several emblematic arias of the opera are present in the Fantasy. We find there in particular the Duo of Flowers, "Ah ! C’est l’amour endormi" , "Dans la forêt près de nous", or even "C’est le Dieu de la jeunesse, c’est l’Amour !", embellished with variations, cadences and always retaining the spirit of the original work, while enhancing the possibilities of expression and virtuosity of two flutes mingling with the sonorities of the piano.
Paris, September 1st, 2022
Laëtitia Brault
Arrangement: Jean-Christophe Maltot
Duration: 9'
for two flutes and piano